Rajkiya Ashram Paddhati Vidyalaya, Kachhauna, Hardoi a Senior Secondary School (XI-XII), affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). The School is a Boys Day Cum Boarding School, with classes from VI to XII. It is an English, Hindi Medium school. The school is located in Kachhauna, area of Hardoi. Rajkiya Ashram Paddhati Vidyalaya, Kacchauna was established in 2004. It is a State Government School and is part of Ashram Paddhati Vidyalaya and is managed by Social Welfare Department, UP.
School labs are a great place for students which help them enhance their learning by understanding the theoretical concepts of science which are taught in classrooms. Well-designed laboratories not only make science experiments fun but also help students in achieving good academic results
The ground is covered with boundary walls. School playground is divided into three sections. One section is for playing football and other sports and the other two are the basketball and tennis court. School playground also has many trees under which students sit and study sometimes or take rest.
A library is an important source of knowledge to young minds in schools. It develops the important habit of reading among the students. Every school should have a library that impact positively on the academic achievement of the students. Students can perform better during examination by reading various books.
The term “boarding” is defined as ‘room and board’ which means lodging and meals. The students studying in our school, live and experience all activities here while being entirely away from their homes. Our primary motto remains the same, i.e., thriving students with discipline and education.